BBD Blogwarming Party: Russian Rose Bread with Poppy Seed Filling

Finished Russian Rose. Pie in the Woods.

Bread Baking Day #57 - Blogwarming Party - please bring Bread! (Last day of submission April 1st, 2013)

This bread was inspired by Barbara Bakes’s recipe, which was part of World Bread Day (October 16).  Turns out there is a Bread Baking Day (BBD) roundup of recipes every month, and this month the theme is “Blogwarming Party“, which involves baking any yeasted bread.  I’ve been baking a lot of bread lately (with varying degrees of success), and I thought it would be nice to have a purpose to my baking so I’m joining the roundup. Check it out, and bring some bread to the party!

Kneady kneady dough.  Pie in the Woods.

The other day I found a can of poppy seed filling while browsing the aisles of our “weird” supermarket.  (You know the kind – not much in the way of everyday food, but brimming with imported goodies, fancy teas, and strange canned goods).  I’ve never seen poppy seed filling in my life – but I like poppy seeds, so I was certain I could put it to good use.

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