Taste of Autumn: Stuffed Squash with Fennel and Apple

First off, does the word “squash” look really weird to anyone else?  I mean, S-Q?  Who starts a word that way?  

I love fall. Before people who know me call shenanigans, let me clarify that I do not like being cold, so any displays of autumnal dislike can be directly linked to a lack of sweaters.  Moving on.  The sky seems bluer in the fall.  I think it’s that it’s finally cool enough that going outside isn’t torture, and combined with the beautiful fall foliage one can appreciate the sky more.  The natural colors and earthy scents, (leaves, apples, fresh-turned soil) make me feel more connected to the earth than the riotous colors of genetically manipulated summer flowers.  It’s just cold enough that wearing all your cosy clothes and curling up under a blanket with a good book becomes wonderful.  Warming, substantial food suddenly becomes the best thing in the world. And, of course, every kids’ favorite part about fall:

Yes, I will go slightly out of my way to step on that crunchy-looking leaf!

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