Cozy Hibernation Foods: Sweet Onion Pasta

Much like bears, and some of the more awesome frogs, I occasionally go into hibernation due to holiday stress, lack of daylight, and broken cameras.  But with the holidays past, light returning to the northern hemisphere, and a replacement camera in the mail it is time to emerge from my den and start posting some of my back-log.

Pouting in the Snow.  Pie in the Woods.

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Na-cho Post! Sweet Apple “Nachos”

Today (I’m still calling it today since I haven’t gone to bed yet) was a pretty great day.  Obama won!  And he called Joe Biden a “happy warrior” which made me giggle.  I could end the post there, but wait, there’s more!  In the morning I canvassed for Marriage Equality with my best friend and got really positive responses from voters.  I got a free taco at California Tortilla because I voted – om nom nom.  (California Tortilla is an awesome burrito place, they’re quirky and fun and they correctly predicted Obama’s win – I dare you to argue with their prediction methods).  Lastly, I went to two free yoga classes in a row. I’m feeling joyous and flexible and full of life. One of the classes was Dahn yoga which I had not tried before. It was this crazy energy based kriya yoga.  Super silly, but also wonderful.  You should give it a try if there’s a studio in your area.

I like Yoga

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Cotton Candy Chaos

The tastiest of confections

Cotton Candy (Credit: Wikipedia)

I love cotton candy with a passion.  It’s delicious (what else would you expect from sugar?), it has a fabulous texture which makes eating it tons of fun, and it’s hard enough to find that it never gets old.  The one downside is that those fluffy fibers are kinda sharp – eat enough and you’ll start cutting up your mouth (not that I’d know or anything). Whenever I go to an amusement park or carnival, I scout out the cotton candy stands so I can score some on the way out.  What I’m saying is that cotton candy makes me excited -like, jumping up and down excited.

So imagine how excited I was that we had a cotton candy machine for Halloween. Continue reading

Pie in the Woods

Once upon a time, there was a princess who decided that she would spurn her worldly goods and go out into the woods to get closer to nature, discover who she was, and maybe have some fun.  She walked for hundreds of miles: up hill and down dale, traversing mountains, dancing through flowers, scrambling over boulders, fording rivers, and contending with fierce chipmunks.  Along the way she saw gorgeous sights, met fabulous people, strengthened her spirit, and only got lost once.

Mountains and flowers and chipmunks, oh my!
Adventure Montage!

Unfortunately, not all was rhododendrons and sunshine.  It rained, and sometimes snowed, her feet were bruised by rocks, her legs scratched by brambles, and she caught a sickness that has nothing to do with green citrus.  And always there was the problem of what to eat.  Her adventuring left her famished, but the only kind of cooking she could do was boiling water to re-hydrate food, and she ate the same things week after week.  She began to despair that she would forget real food.  Then one day her fairy pie-mother visited and brought her a delicious pie.

Pie in the Woods

It was a magical cherry pie that brought up the princess’s spirits, and was also incredibly flaky and the perfect combination of tart and sweet.  When the princess returned to her kingdom it was with a renewed desire to cook and eat wonderful food.  She began by making all of her favorite things, and then continued cooking, trying out new recipes and flavor combinations.  In the midst of a baking spree she decided that sharing the food with her kingdom was not enough, she wanted to tell the tasty tales of how the food came about.  And so, with the help of the gallant knight Sir Manly de Muppet, she developed a wondrous recipe blog. And they all lived deliciously ever after.